Students attended PRSA Georgia Annual Conference

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Students networked with Georgia Southern alumni at the PRSA Georgia Annual Conference

Students networked with Georgia Southern alumni at the PRSA Georgia Annual Conference

Students networked with Georgia Southern alumni at PRSA Georgia Annual Conference

To become a member of Georgia Southern’s PRSSA chapter, there are just three steps:

1. Attend and participate in meetings

2. Fill out The Application below By the deadline

3. Pay your dues by the Deadline

It’s that simple!


Spring Dues Deadline: Monday, Feb. 24

Fall Dues Deadline: Monday, Oct. 20


Membership Dues

$70 - Chapter and National Membership

Dues are paid annually - either in the fall semester or the spring semester.

With membership, please keep in mind nearly 80% of your dues are National dues. The Chapter dues allow the Chapter to have food at events, and more.


How to Pay


Give to the Director of Finance or Dr. Groover (Sanford Hall Room 2019).
Make checks payable to “GSU PRSSA.”


Send payment to GSU PRSSA Treasurer (@GSUPRSSA).
In the subject field please put “Dues.”

Membership Form

Must complete this form whether joining the organization for the first time or when renewing.

  • Please fill out the following form by the deadline posted above.

  • This information is needed to create/update your account with National PRSSA.

  • Please provide an email you check frequently which is not your Georgia Southern email.

  • This email will be kept for our Chapter records and will be sent to Nationals for its records.