You're Graduating . . . Now What?

By Raven Hall

Grads throwing caps in the air

The last few weeks of my college career have been spent taking walks down memory lane and I could not help but take the opportunity to share what I have learned and my thought process of what the heck should I do now.

The assignment for my first college paper was to write about my expectations of college verses the realities of what I had discovered at that point. I entitled my paper “The false impressions Saved by the Bell: The College Years gave me about college.” From the show I thought I would continue to be friends with everyone from high school, we would all go to the same college, and be in the same classes. To my surprise, none of this was true! College was not at all what I expected, it was so much more! In college I made new friends, networked with people who will impact my future, and also learned a little bit along the way. However, now that it is all coming to an end I recently began to question “now what?”

In my opinion there are three roads college graduates can take at this point in their lives. Each person is different so their path is their own to decide.

  1. Get Job Experience

    My belief is that this option is the most logical at first thought simply because I have worked so hard and I am ready to put my skills to the test. On the other hand, most jobs out there (even if they state entry level) require at least two to five years of job related experience. With this struggle the words “can’t get a job because I don’t have experience and can’t get experience because I don’t have a job,” keep going through my head. I know from experience this can be frustrating, but do not give up if this is the path you choose to take.

  2. Go Back to School

    Although I believe it is great to further your education by obtaining a master degree in a related field, I could definitely use a break! Four to five non-stop years in a classroom can become exhausting; however some of you may be ready to start that new degree now. If this is the case, I applaud you!

  3. Seize the freakin’ day

    You are young and have your whole life to be a part of the “real world” and figure out exactly what you want to do with it. Why not enjoy your time for a bit? Travel the world, join the circus, or sit on a beach with a drink in your hand while you take life as it comes.

So for all of you graduates, I leave you with this; good luck “and may the odds be ever in your favor.”