By Caroline Boykin
Finals week is arguably one of the most stressful weeks of the year for college students. Break is in sight, but just out of reach. Final exams have long been associated with sleepless nights of cramming for next day exams and a week of stress. Final exams, as daunting as they may seem, do not have to take the toll that they often do. Here is a list of study tips which may help alleviate some of the stress of exams:
1. Start early- waiting until the last minute to start studying for final exams creates unnecessary stress! Studying early will allow you to study in smaller doses, rather than having to cram last minute.
2. Budget your time- evaluate which courses will take more time and which will take less. Make sure to start studying earlier for the more comprehensive exams, in order to leave time to study for exams that require less preparation. Check the Georgia Southern final exam schedule to determine which exams are earlier in the week and which are later. This will help decide which exams need to be studied for earlier.
3. Create a (socially distanced) study group- the phrase “two heads are better than one,” proves true when studying for final exams. Playing review games, comparing class notes, and quizzing each other may help you retain information and increase motivation to study.
4. Limit distractions- When studying, the temptation to check your phone or watch television can grow with each passing minute. Putting away devices while you study makes an environment more conducive to studying.
5. Take breaks- This may sound counter intuitive, but taking breaks while studying will help you from becoming exhausted or burnt out. After a period of uninterrupted study time, reward yourself with time to watch television or get some fresh air outside!
6. Stay well rested and well fed- Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup! During finals week, remember to get plenty of rest and make time to eat. Disregarding your health will only contribute to unneeded stress. Self- care is an important part of preparing for finals.
These tips are certainly not a cure- all for finals week stress but can help the process run more smoothly. Remember, each day in class has prepared you for these exams. Believe in your capabilities and remember all you have accomplished. Good luck during finals week!