Tips and tricks for starting a new semester on the right foot

By Kaylee Mooyoung

The beginning of a new semester is known to bring mixed emotions. From excitement and anticipation to fear and dread. But like all new beginnings, a new semester gives us the opportunity to take charge of the new school year, and it can bring new experiences with it. To have a successful semester, you need stress relievers, structure, and good time management skills. So, here are some ways that you can own this new semester!

The first tip for starting your new semester on the right foot is stress management. Throughout the semester you may find yourself in a stressful position whether that be because of burnout or an important assignment, and it’s important to make sure that you take care of yourself in those times. Managing your sleep by maintaining a good sleep schedule can help you manage your stress (CollegeData, 2023, para. 3). Sleep is extremely important when it comes to your academic success, so really prioritize your sleep schedule and your body will thank you!

Eating a well-balanced diet can also help relieve stress. Although fast foods may be the easier option sometimes it’s important to remember that the energy you have throughout the day is gained not only from your sleep, but also from your diet. Certain foods like avocados and oranges can help relieve stress, so make sure you are attentive to your body’s needs (CollegeData, 2023, para. 4).

Taking time for yourself can both relieve stress and help you gain some motivation for the semester (CollegeData, 2023, para. 9). By giving yourself some “me” time you’re able to regularly check in with yourself to make sure that you’re feeling prepared and ready for school and upcoming deadlines. Time dedicated to yourself can also help with maintaining your motivation by allowing your brain to go to different places and focus on hobbies, meditations or books which can prevent burnout later in the semester.

It’s common for students to set goals for themselves throughout the semester and although goal setting can be positive it’s important to not let it get out of hand. Setting manageable and attainable goals can help maintain your motivation by allowing you to complete tasks that aren’t overwhelming (Sikowski, 2020, para. 4). Small rewards for completing tasks can be helpful in setting yourself a standard and holding yourself accountable.

A new semester can be nerve racking for new students and even returning students. Take time for yourself, manage your stress and ask for help when you need it. One of the most important tips for starting a new semester and curbing some of that stress is asking for help. New courses can cause a lot of stress and anxiety because of the unknown that comes with it (Sikowski, 2020, para. 7). So, asking for help can be a way to relieve some of that stress. There are tons of campus resources that are available in case you need any help or assistance. Your college experience will offer an array of opportunities to you, so don’t let the stress of a new semester get you down!



CollegeData. (2023, March 8). 9 tips for managing stress in college. CollegeData.

Sikowski, S. (2020). 10 tips to stay motivated this semester. Herzing University