Why I chose public relations as my major

By Maggie Waller

Growing up I had no idea what I wanted to do. For most of high school and my freshman year of college I was stressed because everyone around me knew what they were going to declare for their major but me. I didn’t want to settle because I knew this was a huge decision. I wanted a flexible schedule, to be able to meet new people every day and I wanted every day to be different. This is when I chose public relations.

Public relations is something that I have grown to have a passion for in the last two years. The world would not function if it was not for public relations. Whether it’s a social media campaign or an event that you’re planning you are going to need some aspect of public relations. My favorite part of public relations is building relationships with people in small communities.

Looking back, I am so thankful that I declared public relations as my major. I have made so many friends and have had the best professors ever. I have no doubt that this is something I could see myself doing for the rest of my life.