It’s okay to feel unprepared or uncertain after college: How to overcome it

By Maddie Tallent

As graduation is approaching it is normal for graduates to experience post-graduation anxiety. This is a common experience that most of the graduates face, it can cause you to have a fear of failure, insecurity about the future, and stress about making the right decisions. Even though you go to college for years some people still feel like they are unprepared for the workforce after graduation. There are some ways you can overcome this stress and manage the uncertainty that may come with it.

 One of the ways you can help overcome this anxiety is by joining organizations through the school that help you learn the resources you need to help you succeed after graduation, like PRSSA.

Give Yourself Some Grace

This is a positive way to help maintain this anxiety, by giving yourself some grace you can take a minute to understand all the joys and be grateful for all you have accomplished.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

The biggest thing most graduates need to understand is that you are never going to be in the same stage as someone else. You need to learn to go at your own pace and not look at others and be envious of where they are in their lives. Be patient your time to shine to come.

Start a New Hobby Outside of Your Comfort Zone

When branching out of your comfort zone, it can be difficult to start small. Find a new hobby to get you started and then grow from there. As you branch out not only will you learn something new you will meet new friends along the way.

Surround Yourself with a Solid Support System

Maintaining the relationships you have with close friends and family is important because they are the ones you can trust the most. It helps to talk about some issues out loud get some clarity on some situations keep in touch and establish a system of care and accountability that is necessary for you.

Trust the Journey

Just like in life, there are going to be some highs and lows that will seem impossible to get out of when you are in that rut. It is important to know that this is part of the journey, and it is important to understand that and trust that everything will be okay and have faith to help you through it.

Don’t Neglect Your Mind and Body

It is important to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and making sure that you have a positive mind and outlook every day. Focusing on creating yourself mentally and physically is a great way to feel more positive about your goals.



Adams, O. (n.d.). 12 positive ways to deal with Post-Grad Anxiety. Career Contessa.

Bellamy, D. (n.d.). Common post-college fears and how to avoid them. Fearless Inside.,about%20making%20the%20right%20decisions